Tuesday, March 4, 2008


So, here's an interesting thing I heard (from Nicole Nelson!) Its called backmasking. Its where you take a song and turn it around to reveal a hidden message. Sort of like an Easter egg in a video game. Anyway most people speculate that these messages are demonic messages put their by Satan because that's what a lot of them have to do with. They're in a lot of songs, Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, The Beatles's I'm so tired, The Eagles' Hotel California, and even the Pokemon theme song. Some artists put messages in their songs just to be funny such as Pink Floyd in their song Empty Spaces. It says Congratulations, you have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to old Pink, care of the funny farm, Chalfont. So a spiritual message, a fun little secret, or just a huge coincidence? You decide.
Heres the link to a site I found, its really good:

1 comment:

Nicole N. said...

Wow Aron that is very interesting, I wonder what amazing girl tipped you off haha =)